I’m running for Mayor because we have a lot more work to do to make Cheverly the Town that we moved here to live and raise our families in.
- Combatting Crime and Improving Public Safety – My number one priority is fully staffing our police department and ensuring 24/7 coverage by Cheverly Police officers so that your Town police department is available to serve you. I’ve supported hiring police leaders who believe in engaging the community and in holding our officers to the highest standards. Unless we improve public safety in Town, we cannot achieve any of our other goals.
- Quality Development that Matters to Us – My top development priority is Hospital Hill, which offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Cheverly. I’ve argued for years for the Town to annex the entire site, which is owned by the County but has never been within any municipality, into Cheverly’s corporate limits as soon as possible. Not annexing the site earlier opened the door for Bladensburg to try to grab it. I’ll continue to do what I can to stop Bladensburg from annexing the site and to push Cheverly to start our annexation process. More broadly, I’ve pushed for Town improvements including hiker-biker trails. I want high-quality projects that actually improve our lives.
- Watching the Budget and Keeping Taxes Low – I’m the strongest voice on Council for regular audits and reporting on our actual financial position. I’ve opposed tax increases because our fund balance is healthy, while my colleagues raised property taxes in the same year that we had a surplus while also raising Council salaries.
- Rebuilding Infrastructure and Strengthening Services – I believe that our trees, roads, sidewalks, parks, and green spaces should be at the top of the Council’s agenda. I’ve pushed through street repavings, new sidewalks, and speed humps. And I will always support strong trash, recycling, and Town services that make this a great place to live.